Assam - Earl Grey Tea


The famous earl grey tea is known for its beautiful aroma and uniquely refreshing taste.




Black Tea
SKU Code: 2520003 | Weight: 15 Tea Bags x 2g

Assam - Black Tea

This robust cup has a wonderful citrus flavour and has a distinctive, delicate refreshing aroma.

Matching style with substance every sip of CRAFT HOUSE SPECIAL TEA taste amazing and smells divine, uplifting the mood and creating a sensation of well being and freshness.

Dispatched in approximately 7 Working Days. To save on shipping charges buy multiple products.
  • Take a tea bag of Craft House Special Tea.
  • Dip it in cup.
  • Add fresh boiling water.
  • Leave to infuse for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove bag and enjoy! Add sugar or honey to taste.